Commemoration of the German Society of Gastroenterology
In memory of

Dr. med.
Georg Eisner
1885 - 1947

Dissertation, Heidelberg 1909
Dissertation, Heidelberg 1909

Member since 1926

Dr. med. Georg Eisner

  • Berlin, 1‌5‌.‌0‌8‌.‌1‌8‌8‌5‌
  • Herne Bay, Kent, England, 1‌9‌.‌1‌2‌.‌1‌9‌4‌7‌
  • Member since 1926
  • Escaped to in 1939
  • Berlin
  • Specialist in internal medicine

“I, Georg Eisner, of Jewish faith, was born in Berlin on 15 August 1885 as the son of the merchant Siegfried Eisner and his wife Lina, née Reinhold. I attended the royal Luisen-Gymnasium in Berlin from autumn 1891 to autumn 1904, from which I graduated with a school leaving certificate,” Georg Eisner states in the curriculum vitae of his dissertation.


Education and Places of Work

Georg Eisner studied medicine in Berlin and Heidelberg. He received his doctorate in 1909 with “Untersuchungen über die antifermentative, besonders antitryptische Wirkung des Blutserums”. Eisner completed the thesis under Emil von Dungern at the biology department of the Heidelberg Cancer Centre and at the chemistry laboratory of the municipal hospital Am Urban in Berlin under Leonor Michaelis.

His licence to practise medicine followed in 1910.

Eisner had been a practising internist in Berlin since March 1919. His licence to practise was revoked on 30 September 1938.


Escape to England in 1939

Eisner was able to flee to Cardiff, England, on 29 March 1939. He was released from internment as an enemy alien in England on 20 November 1939, shortly after the beginning of the Second World War. Details of Eisner’s life in Britain are as yet unknown.

Georg Eisner died in England on 19 December 1947 at the age of 62.

Article by Harro Jenss, MD, Worpswede, Germany. As of 25.8.2021
Translation by Rachel Hinterthan – Nizan. As of 2.5.2022


Sources and Further Reading


Biographie of Dr. med. Georg Eisner


  • Eisner G. Dissertation: Untersuchungen über die antifermenative, besonders antitryptische Wirkung des Blutserums. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Heidelberg; 1909


  • Schwoch R. [Hg] Berliner Jüdische Kassenärzte und ihr Schicksal im Nationalsozialismus. Ein Gedenkbuch. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag 2009: 201
  • Forsbach R, Hofer H-G. Internisten in Diktatur und junger Demokratie. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin 1933-1970. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2018: 419