Commemoration of the German Society of Gastroenterology
In memory of

Prof. Dr. med.
Ernst Fuld
1873 - 1955

Prof. Dr. Med. Ernst Fuld, Source: petition for naturalization 1938, New York;
Prof. Dr. Med. Ernst Fuld, Source: petition for naturalization 1938, New York;

Member since 1925

Training in gastroenterology with Carl Anton Ewald in Berlin

Established the Fuld-Levison method for pepsin determination

Dissertation, Strasbourg 1895
Dissertation, Strasbourg 1895
Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1907
Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1907

Prof. Dr. med. Ernst Fuld

  • Frankfurt am Main, 0‌3‌.‌0‌5‌.‌1‌8‌7‌3‌
  • New York, 3‌0‌.‌1‌1‌.‌1‌9‌5‌5‌
  • Member since 1925
  • Escaped to the USA in 1938
  • Berlin
  • Specialist in gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases in private practice

Ernst Fuld grew up in a distinguished family in Frankfurt am Main. His father, Dr. Salomon Fuld, was a lawyer and privy councillor of justice (honorary title during the German empire) who was active in Frankfurt’s Jewish community. Ernst Fuld’s grandfather was the Talmud scholar Aaron Moses Fuld.


Education and Places of Work

Fuld studied medicine at the University of Strasbourg, among other places. He passed the state examination in Strasbourg in 1895 and was awarded his doctorate the same year. He received his licence to practise medicine in 1896.

Dissertation, Strasbourg 1895
Dissertation, Strasbourg 1895

He was an assistant to Franz Hofmeister at the Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Protein Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg from 1900 to 1902. He worked with Erich Harnack at the Institute of Pharmacology and Biochemistry at the Martin Luther University in Halle from 1902 to 1904. Together with the biochemist Karl Spiro, he published on blood coagulation from early on.

Fuld's contributions were published in 'Chemische Physiologie und Pathologie'
Fuld's contributions were published in 'Chemische Physiologie und Pathologie'

He worked for Carl Antonia Ewald at the Augusta Hospital in Berlin’s Scharnhorststrasse from 1905. The clinic had a gastroenterological focus. Fuld had been referred to Ewald by his mentor Leopold Kuttner. The latter had awakened Fuld’s interest in gastrointestinal physiology and pathophysiology. Fuld published extensively, especially on the determination methodology and the function of pepsin, and established the Fuld-Levison method for pepsin determination in 1907.

Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1907
Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1907

Fuld was appointed “Titularprofessor” (senior lecturer) in 1918 and published the work “Die Methodische Gastrointestinalpalpation und ihre Ergebnisse” with the publishers S. Karger. This was the 2nd edition of the ‘Systematik der Intestinalpalpation’ published by Theodor Hausmann in 1910.

Ernst Fuld, editor of this publication, 1918
Ernst Fuld, editor of this publication, 1918
Fuld's contribution in a publication, 1921
Fuld's contribution in a publication, 1921

Fuld wrote to the Insulin Committee at the University of Toronto on 28 November 1922 to find out more about the possible procurement of standardised insulin. Fuld was thus one of the first German doctors and scientists to contact the Insulin Committee.

Ernst Fuld had been the secretary of the scientific society and a member of the advisory committee from 1925. During the 5th meeting in Vienna in 1925, the Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases was formally founded with statutes, rules of procedure and a list of members. Leopold Kuttner presided over the meeting.

Fuld lost his health insurance licence in Berlin after 1933.


Escape to the USA via Great Britain in 1938

Fuld initially fled from Germany to Great Britain. He arrived in the USA from Southampton aboard the S.S. Statendam of the Holland-America Line on 10 September 1938 and reached New York on 18 September 1938. One of Fuld’s sons, Albrecht Eugen Fuld, had already emigrated to the USA in 1934 and was working as a doctor at the Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, New York, where he died in 1945 at the age of 37. Another son, Wolfgang Adolf Fuld, remained in England.

The 65-year-old Ernst Fuld was able to work in private practice in New York City.

His German citizenship was revoked on 14 July 1941.

In the USA, he became an associate member of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in the City of New York.

Ernst Fuld died in Brooklyn, New York, on 30 November 1955 at the age of 82.


  1. Mit Spiro K.: Der Einfluß einiger gerinnungshemmender Agentien auf das Vogelplasma. Beitr Chem Physiol Path 1904; 5: 171-190
  2. Mit Levison LA.: Die Pepsinbestimmung mittelst der Edestinprobe. Biochem Z 1907; 6: 473-501
  3. Über den klinischen Wert der Magenfermentproben. Arch Verdauungskr 1911; 17: 47-52
  4. Mit Hirayama K.: Die Ausscheidung der Magenfermente (Lab und Pepsin) durch den Urin. Z exp Path Ther 1912; 10: 248-278
  5. „Physiologie der Magen- und Darmverdauung“ und „Prüfung der digestiven Tätigkeiten des Magens hinsichtlich Sekretion, Motilität, Resorption“, in: Friedrich Kraus, Theodor Brugsch [Hg.], Speziellen Pathologie und Therapie Innerer Krankheiten, Band V (Erkrankungen des Verdauungstraktes), Berlin/Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1921, S. 225-281 und 435-514

Sources and Further Reading


Biographie of Prof. Dr. med. Ernst Fuld


  • Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger vom 18.7.1941, Nr. 165
  • Fuld E. Dissertation: Über das Verhaltens des Sphincter ani bei Hunden mit exstirpiertem Lendenmark. Strassburg 1895; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB), München, Diss. med. 288-11


  • Fischer I. Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte der letzten fünfzig Jahre. Band I. Berlin, Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1932: 473
  • Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten. V. Tagung in Wien, 1925. Leipzig: Georg Thieme Verlag 1926:
  • o.V. Deaths. JAMA 1956; 160: 224
  • o.V. Eugenie Essler, Ernst Fuld, Nachruf. Aufbau 1955; 21 Nr. 49:
  • Schwoch R. [Hg] Berliner Jüdische Kassenärzte und ihr Schicksal im Nationalsozialismus. Ein Gedenkbuch. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag 2009: 268
  • Sonnenfeld A. Ernest Fuld, Obituary. Proc Rudolf Virchow Med Soc City NY 1956; 15: 117
