Commemoration of the German Society of Gastroenterology
In memory of

Dr. med.
Georg Philipp Ferdinand Katz
1894 - 1972

Member since 1925

Worked on lung diseases from an early stage

Cooperation with the tuberculosis researcher Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner

Dr. med. Georg Philipp Ferdinand Katz

  • Berlin, 1‌3‌.‌1‌2‌.‌1‌8‌9‌4‌
  • Great Neck, Nassau County, New York, USA, 0‌1‌.‌0‌5‌.‌1‌9‌7‌2‌
  • Member since 1925
  • Escaped to the USA in 1938
  • Berlin
  • Specialist in internal medicine and pulmonary specialist

Georg Philipp Ferdinand Katz was born in Berlin on 13 December 1894.


Education and Places of Work

Georg Katz actively participated in the First World War.

He studied medicine at the University of Rostock, among other places. He completed his doctorate at the University of Rostock in 1920 with the thesis “Ueber Ulcus ventriculi und Morbus Basedowii”. He received his licence to practise medicine in July 1920.

He undertook his training in internal medicine and worked as an intern, and later as senior physician at the II Medical Clinic of the Moabit Municipal Hospital in Berlin under Wilhelm Zinn from 1921. He was particularly concerned with the diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. He worked together with the tuberculosis specialist Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner, director of the Institute for Bacteriology at the Moabit Hospital.

Katz headed the department of internal medicine at the Ludwig Hoffmann Municipal Hospital in Berlin-Pankow as head physician from 1930 to 1933. He was dismissed from his position as head physician in 1933.


Escape to  the USA in 1938 

Katz fled Germany in January 1938 to the USA, via Le Havre, aboard the S.S. Normandie. He arrived in New York on 4 February 1938. In the USA, he received a licence to practise internal medicine in Great Neck, New York.

Georg Katz died in Great Neck, Nassau County, New York in 1972.


  1. Zur Differentialdiagnose der Lungentuberkulose vermittels der Bestimmung der Sedimentierzeit der Erythrocyten. Klin Wochenschr 1922; 1: 1368
  2. Mit Rabinowitsch-Kempner L. Spezifische Kutanreaktion, Komplementablenkung mit Besredka-Antigen und Blutkörperschensenkungsreaktion in ihrer Bedeutung für Diagnose und Prognose der Lungentuberkulose. Münch med. Wochenschr 1924; 71: 445-449
  3. Die soziale und klinische Berechtigung zum künstlichen Pneumothorax (Pth.) im Kampf gegen die Tuberkulose, in: Tuberkulose Bibliothek, Nr. 34, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose , Hg. Lydia Rabinowitsch, Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth 1929

Article by Harro Jenss, MD, Worpswede, Germany. As of 25.8.2021
Translation by Rachel Hinterthan – Nizan. As of 25.7.2022

Sources and Further Reading


Biographie of Dr. med. Georg Philipp Ferdinand Katz


  • Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungangelegenheiten (LABO). Berlin- Abt. I. Entschädigungsbehörde. Entschädigungsakte Nr. 64.102


  • Doetz S, Kopke Ch. „und dürfen das Krankenhaus nicht mehr betreten“: Der Ausschluss jüdischer und politisch unerwünschter Ärztinnen und Ärzte aus dem Berliner städtischen Gesundheitswesen 1933–1945. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag; 2018: 440
  • Schwoch R. [Hg] Berliner Jüdische Kassenärzte und ihr Schicksal im Nationalsozialismus. Ein Gedenkbuch. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag 2009: 435