Commemoration of the German Society of Gastroenterology
In memory of

Prof. Dr. med.
Leo Pollak
1878 - 1946

Leo Pollak 1925, Arch H Je
Leo Pollak 1925, Arch H Je

Member since 1927

Was one of the first to use insulin

Distinguished metabolic researcher at the University of Vienna

Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie 1926
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie 1926

Prof. Dr. med. Leo Pollak

  • Prague, 0‌3‌.‌0‌2‌.‌1‌8‌7‌8‌
  • Newmarket/Suffolk, England, 1‌8‌.‌0‌9‌.‌1‌9‌4‌6‌
  • Member since 1927
  • Escaped to England in 1938
  • Vienna
  • Specialist in internal medicine

Leo Pollak was born in Prague in 1878, the son of the merchant Julius Pollak and his wife Anna, née Kohn. His father ran the company Perelis & Pollak in Prague, which was founded in 1860. The family professed the Jewish faith.


Education and Places of Work

After attending a Prague grammar school, Leo Pollak studied medicine at the German Karl Ferdinand University in Prague, graduating with the state examination and doctorate on 22 May 1902.

Pollak completed his training in internal medicine at the leading clinics in Vienna of that time: He worked as an intern at the I. Medical University Clinic under Hermann Nothnagel, at the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology under Julius Wagner-Jauregg, the Medical University Clinic in Strasbourg under Bernhard Naunyn, and at the Medical Clinic of the University of Munich under Friedrich Müller. He then moved to the Wiedner Spital (district hospital in Vienna’s 4th district of Wieden) to Maximilian Sternberg’s I. Medical Department for Internal Medicine. Among others, Julius Schnitzler, the brother of the writer Arthur Schnitzler, worked at this hospital as a surgeon and, from 1920, the pathologist Carl Sternberg.

Krankenhaus Wieden 1898, Source: online collection Vienna  Museum  Karlsplatz. Number HMW 234127
Krankenhaus Wieden 1898, Source: online collection Vienna Museum Karlsplatz. Number HMW 234127

At the same time, Pollak worked and conducted research at the biochemical department of the Institute of Pharmacology at the University of Vienna. He habilitated in internal medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna on 12 September 1914. He was appointed professor (extraordinarius) for internal medicine in Vienna on 30 June 1932.

Leo Pollak dealt with questions in the field of metabolic pathology, gout, diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma. He was one of the first to use insulin in Austria in 1923. He published numerous papers on sugar metabolism and insulin therapy. He lectured on the pathology of the metabolism at the University of Vienna until 1937/38.

Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie 1926
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie 1926

After the invasion of Austria by the German Wehrmacht in March 1938, Pollak was deprived of all of his offices and expelled from the University of Vienna by the Nazi authorities on 22 April 1938.


Escape to England in 1938

Pollak fled to Great Britain in 1938. After the outbreak of the Second World War, he was temporarily interned at Enemy Alien and was able to work temporarily in a London clinic. In Newmarket, Suffolk, about 100 km north-east of London, Pollak was able to find work at the White Lodge Hospital there.

He died in Newmarket on 18 September 1946 at the age of 68.

Pollak’s sister, Melanie Pollak-Polacek (born 5.2.1882) and Pollak’s brother-in-law, Dr. Josef Polacek (born 9.8.1874), were deported from Prague to the Theresienstadt / Terezin ghetto in July 1942 and from there to the Auschwitz concentration camp in September 1943 and murdered.

Leo Pollak’s older sister, Olga Pollak-Glaser, born in 1876, was murdered in the Treblinka extermination camp in October 1942.

Pollak’s niece, Dr. Nelly Polacekova, aged 35, was murdered in October 1942, and his nephew, 34-year-old Julius Polacek, was murdered in Auschwitz concentration camp in September 1944.

Another sister of Leo Pollak, the art historian Alice Maria Pollak-Fried (born 29.9.1888) was able to flee to Great Britain, where she died in Hampstead, London, in 1946.


  1. Beiträge zur Pathogenese des nephritischen Oedems. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch exp Pathol u Pharmakol 1923; 97: 352-78
  2. Über den Insulingehalt des Pankreas von Diabetikern. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch exp Path Pharmakol 1926; 116(1): 15-34
  3. Mit Basch F. Über das Verhalten Körperfremder Zuckerarten unter Insulinwirkung. I. Mitteilung. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch exp Path Pharmakol 1927; 125: 89-101
  4. Mit H Molitor. Der Zuckerhaushalt der Leber. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch exp Path Pharmakol 1931; 162(4): 488-505

Article by Harro Jenss, MD, Worpswede, Germany
Translation by Rachel Hinterthan – Nizan. completed by Cornelie Haag, MD



Archive of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, Bodleian Libraries Oxford, MS. S. P. S. L. 536 / 1-3.


Fischer I., Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte der letzten fünfzig Jahre. Berlin-Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg Verlag 1933, Band 2, S. 1232

J.S.H. Obituary, Dr.Leo Pollak. British Medical Journal 1946 (Oct 5), Vol. 2, No 4474, p 519

Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon (ÖBL) 1815—1950, Bd 8, S.171 (Beitrag M. Jantsch)

Judith Bauer-Merinsky J. Die Auswirkungen der Annexion Österreichs durch das Deutsche Reich auf die medizinische Fakultät der Universität Wien im Jahre 1938: Biographien entlassener Professoren und Dozenten. Wien: Diss., 1980, S. 197-198. – Online unter der URL:

Löffelholz K., Trendelenburg U. Verfolgte Deutschsprachige Pharmakologen 1933-1945. Frechen: Dr. Schrör Verlag, 2. Aufl., 2008, S. 123


Weblinks (Beitrag Herbert Posch) (Zugriff 10.10.2020)

Universitätsbibliothek Medizinische Universität Wien – van Swieten Blog: Leo Pollak ( 1878 – 1946 ), Vertrieben 1938: ( Zugriff 15.1.2021 ) (Recherche in englischen online-Datenbanken), Zugriff 25.7.2024 [Melanie Pollak-Polacek, auch M. Polackova, geb. 5.2.1882, Deportation von Prag nach Theresienstadt 13.7.1942], Zugriff 25.7.2024 [Dr. jur. Josef Polacek, geb. 9.8.1874, Deportation aus Prag nach Theresienstadt 13.7.1942, ermordet im KZ Auschwitz im September 1943], Zugriff 25.7.2024 [Julius Polacek, geb. 28.2.1910, Neffe Leo Pollaks], Zugriff 25.7.2024,%20Nelly%20&t=2547183&p=0

[Dr. jur. Nelly Polackova, geb. 13.1.1907, Nichte Leo Pollaks], Zugriff 25.7.2024

Sources and Further Reading


Biographie of Prof. Dr. med. Leo Pollak


  • Archive of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, Bodleian Libraries Oxford , MS. S. P. S. L. 536 / 1-3.
  • Fischer I., Biographisches Lexikon, Band 2, S. 1232
  • Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon (ÖBL) 1815—1950, Bd 8, S.171 ( Beitrag M. Jantsch )


  • Löffelholz K., Trendelenburg U. Verfolgte deutschsprachige Pharmakologen 1933 – 1945. Frechen: Dr. Schrör Verlag, 2. Aufl., 2008, 123


  • ( Beitrag Herbert Posch) ( Zugriff 10.10.2020 )
  • Universitätsbibliothek Medizinische Universität Wien – van Swieten Blog: Leo Plloak ( 1878 – 1946 ), Vertrieben 1938: ( Zugriff 15.1.2021 )
  • ( Recherche in englischen online-Datenbanken ) ( Zugriff 15.1.2021 )